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NOTE: The 40 Thieves Hookah Lounge Franchise Disclosure Documents (FDD) answers many questions regarding our franchise opportunity. The FDD is available in electronic format as a .pdf. The following list of questions are a brief response to typical questions. If there is any inconsistency or conflict between these questions and the FDD, the FDD will control.
How much money can I make?We do not make any representations about a franchisee’s future financial performance or the past financial performance of company-owned or franchised outlets. We also do not authorize our employees or representatives to make any such representations either orally or in writing. If you are purchasing an existing outlet, however, we may provide you with the actual records of that outlet. If you receive any other financial performance information or projections of your future income, you should report it to the franchisor’s management by contacting 40 Thieves LLC at 303-829-2000, the Federal Trade Commission, and the appropriate state regulatory agencies.
Is there an opportunity to open more than one 40 Thieves?Yes! 40 Thieves is an equal opportunity franchiser by choice. 40 Thieves is seeking individuals who are capable of operating multiple locations. Candidates who have successfully operated more than one business may be suited to operating several 40 Thieves Hookah Lounges.
What is included in the franchise package?There are some initial inventory items that are included in the initial fee but you will be expected to purchase all necessary items, inventory and supplies on a regular basis to operate the business properly.
What does Hookah Franchising seek in a prospective owner?Prospective owners must, at a minimum, have the following qualities: 1. Significant work/business experience; we're particularly interested in individuals who have demonstrated successful ownership or management in a business setting and or department. 2. Individuals who have the drive and ability to grow rapidly with 40 Thieves Hookah Lounge, the ability to develop and execute a business plan and possess the entrepreneurial spirit and desire to do what it takes to maintain a level of excellence. 3. Ability to manage finances and a thorough understanding of business and financial systems. 4. Commitment to manage day-to-day tasks. 5. Willingness to complete 40 Thieves Hookah Lounge training. 6. The capability to manage and develop employees to exceed customer expectations. 7. An acceptable credit history. 8. Sufficient liquid assets to invest into the business.
How much liquid funds do I need to open a 40 Thieves Hookah Lounge?40 Thieves Hookah Lounge requires that prospects have a minimum of $60,000 in cash or liquid assets. Candidates with greater financial resources may be eligible for multiple locations.
Does Hookah Franchising offer financing?N/A
How much time does it take to complete the training program?The comprehensive training takes about 20 hours and can be completed in under a week. The completion of the training program is not based on time but the understanding of day-today operations necessary to operate a great hookah lounge.
What happens after I submit my application?You will receive a confirmation that your application has been received. We will contact you to indicate our interest in working with you. Selected applicants will be invited to interview to discuss our opportunity.
What is the application process?If there is mutual interest after filling out the application and interview we will arrange for an introduction to our franchise through the franchise disclosure documents. Once the FDD documents and agreement are signed and financed we begin our building process with you.
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